One Time Payment

  1. Go to Talent Management Tab

       Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Click Personnel Action Forms
  2. Click Create Personnel Action Form Transactions

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

  1. Select Employee


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  1. Select Type: One Time Payment PAF, Select Reason: One Time PaymentGraphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

Description automatically generated
  2. Select Applicable Workflow
  3. Enter Effective Date and ensure it is in current pay period
  4. Answer Question 1: yes or no, if no, do not proceed and speak with HR
  5. Answer Question 2: yes or no, if no, do not proceed until employee and supervisor have met, if yes then proceed
  6. For Question 2: Answer date employee and supervisor met
  7. Input the date the supervisor and employee met
  8. For One Time Payroll Action: One Time Payment
    1. Ensure OTP amount is supervisor score from the performance evaluation
    2. Enter payout date is the next following Pay Day date.
    3. In Comment Section: enter calculation for OTP
  9. If all looks correct, submit and email to next approver
  10. If all looks incorrect send back the original request and state the changes that need to be made.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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